攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀∀㸀䴀礀 䜀攀愀爀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀搀椀瘀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㐀瀀砀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀∀㸀䌀愀洀攀爀愀猀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀搀椀瘀㸀਀㰀搀椀瘀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㌀瀀砀㬀∀㸀吀栀攀 洀漀猀琀 挀漀洀洀漀渀 焀甀攀猀琀椀漀渀 䤀 最攀琀 愀猀欀攀搀 椀猀 ∀圀栀愀琀 挀愀洀攀爀愀 搀漀 礀漀甀 甀猀攀∀⸀ 䤀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 昀椀渀搀 琀栀椀猀 椀渀琀攀爀攀猀琀椀渀最⸀ 䈀愀猀椀挀愀氀氀礀 䤀 爀攀瀀氀礀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀礀 瀀爀漀戀愀戀氀礀 栀愀瘀攀 愀 戀攀琀琀攀爀 漀渀攀 琀栀攀渀 䤀⸀ 䴀漀猀琀 琀椀洀攀猀 琀栀攀礀 搀漀⸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㌀瀀砀㬀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀搀椀瘀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㌀瀀砀㬀∀㸀㰀椀洀最 猀爀挀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀猀㨀⼀⼀栀漀洀攀⸀爀攀搀昀爀愀洀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀氀愀瘀愀瀀椀砀⼀攀搀椀琀漀爀䄀猀猀攀琀猀⼀氀爀最⼀㘀㘀㘀砀㌀⸀樀瀀最∀ 眀椀搀琀栀㴀∀㘀㘀㘀∀ 栀攀椀最栀琀㴀∀㌀∀ 愀氀琀㴀∀ ∀ ⼀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㘀瀀砀㬀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀䄀猀 漀昀 匀攀瀀琀攀洀戀攀爀 漀昀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀㈀ ㄀㜀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 䤀✀瘀攀 戀攀攀渀 甀猀椀渀最 琀栀攀 㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀倀愀渀愀猀漀渀椀挀 䜀䠀㔀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 愀渀搀 愀猀猀漀爀琀攀搀 㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀䰀甀洀椀砀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 愀渀搀 㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀䰀攀椀挀愀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 氀攀渀猀攀猀⸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㘀瀀砀㬀∀㸀䤀 愀搀搀攀搀 琀栀攀 㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀倀愀渀愀猀漀渀椀挀 䜀㤀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 椀渀 䐀攀挀 ㈀ ㈀ ⸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㘀瀀砀㬀∀㸀圀栀愀琀 愀渀 愀洀愀稀椀渀最 挀愀洀攀爀愀 昀漀爀 戀漀琀栀 瀀栀漀琀漀猀 愀渀搀 瘀椀搀攀漀 愀渀搀 琀栀攀 氀攀渀猀攀猀 愀爀攀 猀漀 挀漀洀瀀愀挀琀 愀渀搀 氀椀最栀琀 洀愀欀椀渀最 昀漀爀 攀愀猀礀 琀爀愀渀猀瀀漀爀琀 漀渀 氀漀渀最 栀椀欀攀猀⸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㘀瀀砀㬀∀㸀䠀攀爀攀猀 愀 氀椀渀欀 琀漀 愀渀 㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀㤀㤀  㬀∀㸀㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀猀㨀⼀⼀眀眀眀⸀礀漀甀琀甀戀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀眀愀琀挀栀㼀瘀㴀䰀稀稀瀀挀堀吀栀䔀栀最∀ 琀愀爀最攀琀㴀∀开戀氀愀渀欀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀㤀㤀  㬀∀㸀䄀搀 挀愀洀瀀愀椀渀 瘀椀搀攀漀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀愀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 䤀 猀栀漀琀 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀洀 椀渀 匀攀瀀琀攀洀戀攀爀 ㈀ ㄀㜀⸀ 㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀㤀㤀  㬀∀㸀㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀猀㨀⼀⼀眀眀眀⸀瀀愀渀愀猀漀渀椀挀⸀挀漀洀⼀最氀漀戀愀氀⼀挀漀渀猀甀洀攀爀⼀氀甀洀椀砀⼀最栀㔀⼀㄀  琀栀⼀戀爀礀愀渀开氀漀眀爀礀⸀栀琀洀氀∀ 琀愀爀最攀琀㴀∀开戀氀愀渀欀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀㤀㤀  㬀∀㸀倀愀渀愀猀漀渀椀挀 䰀甀洀椀砀 䜀䠀㔀 䜀漀 䠀椀最栀攀爀 ⴀ 䈀爀礀愀渀 䰀漀眀爀礀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀愀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㘀瀀砀㬀 挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀䜀䠀㔀 氀攀渀猀 挀漀氀氀攀挀琀椀漀渀 ⴀ 䄀氀氀 漀昀 琀栀攀猀攀 愀爀攀 愀洀愀稀椀渀最⸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㘀瀀砀㬀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀倀愀渀愀猀漀渀椀挀 䰀攀椀挀愀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 䐀䜀 嘀愀爀椀漀 㠀 ⴀ ㄀㠀 洀洀 䘀㈀⸀㠀 ⴀ 㐀⸀  䰀甀洀椀砀 䜀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㘀瀀砀㬀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀倀愀渀愀猀漀渀椀挀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 ㄀㈀ ⴀ ㌀㔀 洀洀 䘀㈀⸀㠀 氀氀 䰀甀洀椀砀 䜀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀猀瀀愀渀㸀倀漀眀攀爀攀搀 椀洀愀最攀 猀琀愀戀椀氀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㘀瀀砀㬀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀倀愀渀愀猀漀渀椀挀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 ㌀㔀 ⴀ ㄀   洀洀 䘀㈀⸀㠀 氀氀 䰀甀洀椀砀 䜀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀猀瀀愀渀㸀倀漀眀攀爀攀搀 椀洀愀最攀 猀琀愀戀椀氀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㘀瀀砀㬀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀倀愀渀愀猀漀渀椀挀 䰀攀椀挀愀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀 䐀䜀 嘀愀爀椀漀 ㄀   ⴀ 㐀   洀洀 䘀㐀⸀  ⴀ 㘀⸀㌀ 䰀甀洀椀砀 䜀 倀漀眀攀爀攀搀 椀洀愀最攀 猀琀愀戀椀氀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀 㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀䔀砀挀攀氀氀攀渀琀 昀漀爀 猀甀爀昀 瀀栀漀琀漀最爀愀瀀栀礀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㈀瀀砀㬀∀㸀㰀椀洀最 猀爀挀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀氀愀瘀愀瀀椀砀⸀挀漀洀⼀爀漀漀琀⼀氀愀瘀愀瀀椀砀⼀攀搀椀琀漀爀䄀猀猀攀琀猀⼀氀爀最⼀㘀㘀㘀砀㌀⸀樀瀀最∀ 愀氀琀㴀∀ ∀ 眀椀搀琀栀㴀∀㘀㘀㘀∀ 栀攀椀最栀琀㴀∀㌀∀ ⼀㸀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀਀㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀∀ 愀氀椀最渀㴀∀刀䤀䜀䠀吀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㐀瀀砀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀愀愀愀愀愀愀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 ✀琀椀洀攀猀 渀攀眀 爀漀洀愀渀✀Ⰰ 琀椀洀攀猀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 ㄀㌀瀀砀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀琀礀氀攀㨀 渀漀爀洀愀氀㬀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀⼀猀瀀愀渀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀戀漀爀搀攀爀ⴀ猀琀礀氀攀㨀 椀渀椀琀椀愀氀㬀 戀漀爀搀攀爀ⴀ挀漀氀漀爀㨀 椀渀椀琀椀愀氀㬀 昀漀渀琀ⴀ猀琀礀氀攀㨀 渀漀爀洀愀氀㬀 氀椀渀攀ⴀ栀攀椀最栀琀㨀 ㈀㄀瀀砀㬀 琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 氀攀昀琀㬀 琀攀砀琀ⴀ搀攀挀漀爀愀琀椀漀渀㨀 甀渀搀攀爀氀椀渀攀㬀 挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀昀昀挀挀  㬀∀㸀㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀眀眀眀⸀渀椀欀漀渀甀猀愀⸀挀漀洀⼀∀ 琀愀爀最攀琀㴀∀∀㸀㰀猀瀀愀渀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀

Then I moved up to simple yet again but, with autofocus. That took some getting use to. It was an N65. After that an N75. My next move and the first to DSLR was the D70. What a great little camera this was! It captured my Fire and Ice image back in Feb. 2005. I picked up a new D70s for a second body. The poor cameras took a beating in the harsh enviroments I subjected them to. Considering they did well.

By 2007 the volcano had done them both in and I needed a camera right away. So, I picked up the D200. Unfortunately I missed the new D300 by a month but, stayed with the D200. This was my main camera body until late April 2012.

I also have the Nikon D800 since early 2012. A 36mp monster. Do you have a wall large enough for the images this thing can produce?

Nikon & Sigma lens collection

Nikon 10.5mm 2.8 Fisheye DX - What a fun lens to shoot with! Never would have captured image #280 without it. The double rainbows over a small lava stream.

Nikon 16mm 2.8

Sometimes I need to cross very wide hot lava flows. Its an art that's learned over many years. Don't try this!!!

Another reason is plain and simply wearing them too long. Its the most common. The lava wears out most boots in about 5-6 hikes. Remember, my hikes are extreme and as mentioned on another page, I don't use that word loosely. 

I have photos here showing some of my melted and horribly worn boots.

Since 2015 I've been wearing Altra Lone Peaks starting with the 2.5's and currently the 3.0's. These are barefoot shoes with cushioning. My feet have never been so happy and greatful. I won't ever go back to regular shoes. Soon I'll try the newest 4.0's but, I really like the orange and black 3.0's.

As of 2020 the very comfortable Xero TerraFlex shoes are my only hiking shoes no matter what the terrain is. I like feeling every rock, stone or whatever. No more rolled ankles. These are featured heavily in my YouTube Lava tube hiking series.

(Now that I had both of my hips replaced in 2018 and my shorter right leg was lengthened to nearly the same as the left, I no longer need lifts.) After 30+ years I can now wear any shoe I like.

One thing that makes it difficult for me to wear many boots or even have them right away is my needing a lift on the right one. (No longer needed) I have one leg shorter then the other by more then an inch. For most of my life I've had a Cobbler do the lifts so they weren't noticed and they held up. The problem with this is it took up to 5 weeks to get my new boots and many times it left me hiking in boots that were falling apart. Check the photos above for a laugh at what I've worn in the past while waiting for my new boots. 

These days I make my own lifts and even alterations to accommodate my two different sized feet. Oh yeah, one severely flat too. It works well and allows me to set up my new boots right away. I cut off soles from cheaper shoes and use sheet rock screws and Shoe Goo to attach them. This method works very well. I could care less what they look like. They won't be around for very long.

In late June opan style="color: #ffcc00;">HI-Tech's, Cabelas, Earth Shoes, Wolverines, Danner and Merrell. My current pair are Merrell hiking shoes. Not bHeavy duty hiking boots are well, heavy. Add in thick mud and water and its a workout I don't need. So, my current shoes aren't water proof. No need as I hike wearing shorts anyway. My Merrell Geomorph Maze Stretch hiking shoes are the best I've ever hiked in. I mean ever. They are so comfortable to me and they handle every type of terrain I throw at them. Merrell better not stop making them. I have the mesh ones so rain water drains out keeping my feet from getting soaked.


A 2021 update coming soon.

While I do use numerous small gadgets along with my main gear, too many to list, my Goal Zero Nomad 7 portable solar charging panel stands out. Its an easy way for me to recharge camera batteries out in the field. I also use the Guide 10 power pack. The Goal Zero Rock Out Speakers entertain me on my long hikes.

Most times I'm hiking all night and I need powerful and reliable light. The brighter the better is my way of thinking. For years now I have been using two Life Gear LED 360 Lumen flashlights. They put out a nice white light that shines far out into the night and they stay bright for several hours. These lights have been through everything you can imagine and they are still going strong.

*Need some gear tested? My hiking adventures are brutal and will push most any type of gear to it's limits.

Contact me if you're a manufacturer and would like something tested.

If it's something I'm interested in I'll take your product on a few photographic adventures.

Better yet. Let me help you design better gear. If it were possible I would have my own line of hiking gear designed for the brutality of my adventures. Not sure I could improve on the Merrell Geomorph's.

 <250" /> Current hikers and trainers

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